The July 2024 My Memories Blog Train, featuring the Mini Kit created specifically for this Train, has left the station!
The Mini Kit for July has 5 elements and 3 pretty patterned papers. The color palette is great for summertime!
(click on any image to add it to your MyMemories cart!)
Gifts created with the Arrival Summer Collection
Gifts created with the Daisy Crazy Collection
Gifts created with the Strawberry Moon Collection
Gifts created with the Rhapsody in Pink Collection
_______________________________________________________ Gifts created with the Parrot Party Collection
Gifts created with the Feline Fur Baby Collection
_______________________________________________________ In Case You Missed These! Gifts created for MyMemories' Share the Memories and Newsletter
Gift created for the Documenting Your Life Blog & Forum Challenges _______________________________________________________
Gifts created for The Vintage Romantic Challenge _______________________________________________________
After you've picked up all of MY gifts, be sure to head to the other MyMemories Designers, so you can pick up their goodies! Kathryn Estry Designs – https://kathrynsdigitaldesigns.blogspot.com/ You are here>>> ADB Designs – https://bit.ly/MMBT-ADB FranB Designs – https://franbdesigns.com/ Scrapbookcrazy Creations https://scrapbookcrazycreationsbyrobyn.blogspot.com/ Designs by Lisa Minor – https://ronimasil.blogspot.com/ Karen Schulz: https://karenschulz.net/mymemories-blog-train/ Happy Scrap Arts: https://happyscraparts.blogspot.com/ Twin Mom Scraps: https://twinmomscraps.blogspot.com/ Aimee Harrison: https://aimeeharrisondesigns.com/ QueenBrat Digital Designs: https://bitsnpiecesofqbd.blogspot.com/ Songbird Scraps Designs: https://songbirdscrapsdesigns.blogspot.com/ Cutie Pie Scraps : https://www.cutiepiescrap.com/ ScrapChat Designs: https://www.facebook.com/jillianutrup Connie Prince: https://scrapinfusions.blogspot.com/ Elizabeth’s Market Cross: https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethsMarketCross LLL Creations: https://bit.ly/LLLBlogspot Pat Scrap : https://www.facebook.com/PatEnScrap/ |
Thank you, again, for all of your beautiful work!