Saturday News from ADB Designs - October 14, 2023

I hope you got lots of great deals for Digital Scrapbooking Day!

Here's what's's a quiet week.

New this week at both Gingerscraps and MyMemories is Dazzling Day!

Dazzling Day is a beautiful, sweet Page Kit (plus Alpha!) by ADB Desgns. It's vintage-y, yet has some contemporary elements.

The color palette is all feminine, with shades of pink, neutrals and gold. This kit is perfect for scrapping Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, the birth of a little girl and anything romantic.

Save 30% through October 29th!

ICYMI: Gifts for You


Coming Soon!

October MyMemories Blog Train

Fall and Halloween Sales


Don't forget to pick up this week's Share The Memories Gifts from MyMemories! These are available only through Sunday!


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I post gifts almost every day, and you'll learn about sales and new products sooner than through the Newsletter!
