Saturday News from ADB Designs - July 29, 2023

Wow, August is almost here!

Here's what's happening...

Just two more days to save on the A Grand Father Heritage Collection at Gingerscraps and at MyMemories!

Sale ends July 30th!

It's Christmas in July at MyMemories!

Save 50% on everything in my store through July 31st!

The MyMemories Blog Train pulls into the station on July 31st!

Pick up these two packs called Seaside in July before they're no longer free! Plus pick up 20 more gifts from me!

ICYMI! Gifts for You


Don't forget to pick up this week's Share The Memories Gifts from MyMemories! These are available only through Sunday!


Do you follow my Facebook Page or Instagram Account?

I post gifts almost every day, and you'll learn about sales and new products sooner than through the Newsletter!
