Hoping your holidays were WONderful!
Here's what's happening...
My collection for the Gingerscraps January Buffet is called Toasty!
The Toasty Digital Scrapbooking Collection by ADB Designs is just one of those collections that makes you feel all comfy on a cold winter's day or night! Sitting by the fire, drinking hot chocolate, quiet conversation or reading a good book; all of those things make me feel cozy and happy.
Definitely vintage in feel, the color palette is warm shades of teal, yellow, lavender, and rose. Elements include a home, old toys, word art, old-fashioned hardware, kitchen pots and utensils, and - of course - florals, foliage and ribbons. And, while this is meant as a "I'm so glad to be inside" vintage collection, the elements and colors lend themselves well to any photos you have to scrap.
Take 50% off through January 15th (even though the "official" Buffet pricing is over!)
AND the MyMemories January Exclusive Collection, called Brrr is LIVE!
Brrr is somewhat of a companion collection to the Toasty Collection - the color palettes are almost the same, but Toasty is the "indoor" version and Brrr is the "outdoor" version.
This vintage-style collection's color palette includes blues, reds, turquoise, and accents of yellow and green. Elements include all the things that go with winter - a snowy owl, a cardinal, ice skates, pinecones, seasonal word strips, falling snow and lots of other elements to use with your winter photos!
New CU (but, as always, personal use is allowed!) at MyMemories!
This will be available at Gingerscraps later today.
Save 30% through January 20th!
There's going to be something NEW at Gingerscraps on Wednesday! In the meantime, here are some gifts to tease you!
Don't forget to pick up this week's Share The Memories Gifts from MyMemories! These are available only through Sunday!