Starting today, and twice monthly, Gingerscraps will have WOW Wednesday deals!
Now, these WOW Wednesdays won't necessarily be every other week, or the 1st and 3rd, or 2nd and 4th Wednesdays...but there WILL be two per month, so keep your eyes open!
WOW Wednesdays will consist of two products per designer, and they will be 50% off, but ONLY for that Wednesday (starting at midnight, eastern and ending promptly at midnight Thursday.
I've decided, for each WOW Wednesday, to put two page kits from my Heritage Scrapper Collections on sale for a 50% savings!
For the very first WOW Wednesday, my selections are:
The dust bowl days in the southern prairies of the United States and the world wide depression of the 1930s were hard times indeed. These were the days that my parents grew up. My father was 13 in 1930; my mother was 10; by the time World War II came to the United States, they were just barely adults. What a time to grow up! And for my grandparents, what a challenging time to raise a family. For most of you, your parents or your grandparents experienced these hard times too.
Men in Top Hats by ADB Designs is a heritage collection created with a focus on the eras when the ubiquitous head covering for men was a top hat. The top hat was a favorite for working class and society men from the early 1800s through the 1930s and is still seen today in very formal settings. The collection palette is primarily blues and rust/orange which provides an intensity that works well for pages about men as well as the full range of genealogy pages. __________________________________ Now, of course, WOW Wednesdays will include gifts from both Gingerscraps and MyMemories that match that WW's page kits! You'll always be able find these gifts here; the list will become very long, but I'll post to the top each week. 😊 For this WOW Wednesday, here are your gifts: SOME HARD TIMES |