Are you ready for the big day?!?! Almost here!
Here's what's happening...
A Serene Day is still on sale at both Gingerscraps and MyMemories for 50% off - but only through December 25th!

Homeward Bound is also still on sale for another few days - this sale ends December 28th! Available at MyMemories and Gingerscraps.
Last few days for the 50% off sale on Merry Noel! After December 31at, prices go up!
Available at:
And, it's the last few days for the 50% off sale on Christmas Blessings! After the 31st of December, those prices are GONE!

And, if that's not enough, don't forget that the MyMemories Blog Train will roll into the station on New Year's Eve, the 31st.
All those fabulous gifts will be gone after that day, so take a little time and download them all!
ICYMI! Gifts!
Don't forget to pick up this week's Share The Memories Gifts from MyMemories! These are available only through Sunday!